Henriette Christiane Rulffs (30 December 1794-)

Same as
Additional names
Father:1Bøyche Johan Rulffs (11 March 1765-10 July 1847), shipbroker
Mother:2Karen Sophia Reusch (around 1761-17 December 1834)
Spouses and relationship events
Married:326 December 1818Paul Schonevig Stub Koren (1794-), skipperNykirken [Unknown/Unspecified], Bergen [city/town], Bergen kommune [municipality], Hordaland [Unknown/Unspecified], Norway [country]
Children with Paul Schonevig Stub Koren:
Maren Lorentse Stub Koren (22 May 1824-26 April 1914), "rentenist"4
Ulrich Wilhelm Koren (22 December 1826-)5
Boycke Johan Rulffs Koren (18 August 1828-), lieutenant in the navy6
Karen Sophie Reusch Koren (26 August 1832-)7
Mens Blix Paasche Koren (1836-)8
Born:930 December 1794
Baptised:1011 January 1795Nykirken [Unknown/Unspecified], Bergen [city/town], Bergen kommune [municipality], Hordaland [Unknown/Unspecified], Norway [country]
Personal Info
Family of Rulffs (from Bergen, Norway)


1 , "Ministerialbok for Nykirken prestegjeld 1775-1808 (1308M8)", Transcribed, Digitalarkivet (http://arkivverket.no/Digitalarkivet : ), hd00000001874386.
2 Ibid
3 , "Ministerialbok for Nykirken prestegjeld 1816-1821 (1308M8)", Transcribed, Digitalarkivet (http://arkivverket.no/Digitalarkivet : 20 september 2014), No. 115.
4 Statsarkivet i Bergen, Registreringssentral for historiske data, "Ministerialbok for Domkirken prestegjeld 1821-1840 (1301M1)", Database, Digitalarkivet (http://www.arkivverket.no/digitalarkivet : 20 September 2014), No. 558.
5 Statsarkivet i Bergen, Registreringssentral for historiske data, "Ministerialbok for Domkirken prestegjeld 1821-1840 (1301M1)", Database, Digitalarkivet (http://www.arkivverket.no/digitalarkivet : 20 September 2014), No. 1289.
6 , "Klokkerbok for Nykirken prestegjeld 1821-1841 (1308M8): Liste: Fødte og døpte b 1821-1841", Database, Digitalarkivet (http://www.arkivverket.no/digitalarkivet : 20 September 2014), No. 557.
7 , "Klokkerbok for Nykirken prestegjeld 1821-1841 (1308M8): Liste: Fødte og døpte b 1821-1841", Database, Digitalarkivet (http://www.arkivverket.no/digitalarkivet : 20 September 2014), No. 2460.
8 , "Klokkerbok for Nykirken prestegjeld 1821-1841 (1308M8): Liste: Fødte og døpte b 1821-1841", Database, Digitalarkivet (http://www.arkivverket.no/digitalarkivet : ), hd00000001416401.
9 , "Ministerialbok for Nykirken prestegjeld 1775-1808 (1308M8)", Transcribed, Digitalarkivet (http://arkivverket.no/Digitalarkivet : ), hd00000001874386.
10 Ibid
certainlyThe information is supported by primary sources.
probablyThe information is supported by secondary sources which is most likely based on primary sources.
possiblyIt is unclear if the secondary source cited is based on primary sources, or the information is an assumption well supported by other evidence.
likelyThe information is only found in secondary sources with questioned quality, or there is a reason to suspect the information is wrong. Or the information is a likely assumption based on other evidence.
apparentlyThe information is doubtful and poorly documented, but still most likely correct.
perhapsThe information might be correct or it might be wrong. It is not supported by any trustworthy sources. It might me an assumption.
disprovedThe information is proven to be wrong.