Place: Nantes [municipality], Loire-Atlantique [district], Pays de la Loire [county], France [country]

Place name (English):Nantes
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Place type:municipality
Is in the area of:Loire-Atlantique


1Arthur I (29 March 1187-3 April 1203), Duke of Brittany, parents: Geoffrey of England and Constance de Bretagne
2Geoffroy d’Anjou (1 June 1134-26 July 1158), Comte de Nantes, parents: Geoffrey V "Plantagenet" and Matilda of England
3Jean de Bretagne (1266-17 January 1334), Lieutenant of Aquitaine, parents: Jean II and Beatrix of England
4Jean V "le Vaillant" (1339/40-1/2 November 1399), Duke of Brittany
5Jean VI (24 December 1389-29 August 1442), Duke of Brittany
6Joan de Holand (1350-November 1384), parents: Thomas de Holand of Broughton and Joan of Kent "the Fair Maid of Kent"
7Robert de Bretagne (6 March 1251-4 February 1259), parents: Jean I "le Roux" and Blanche de Champagne