Place: City of London [county], Greater London [county], England [country], United Kingdom [country]

Place name (English):City of London
Place name (local language):
Place name (alt. local language):
Place name (older spelling):
Place name (other common spelling/language):
Place type:county
Is in the area of:Greater London


1(Unknown) Fraser (-1680), parents: Alexander Fraser
2Agnes de Mortimer (-25 July 1368), parents: Roger de Mortimer and Joan de Geneville
3Alexander Montgomerie (-end of 1701), 8. Earl of Eglinton, parents: Hugh Montgomerie and Mary Leslie
4Anne Montagu (-28 November 1457), parents: John de Montagu and Matilda Francis
5Anne Stafford (-20 or 24 September 1432)
6Aubrey de Vere (before 1090-15 May 1141), parents: Aubrey de Vere and Beatrice
7Augusta of Great Britain (31 July 1737-23 March 1813), parents: Frederick Lewis and Augusta of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg
8Beatrix of England (25 June 1242-24 March 1275), parents: Henry III and Eleonore de Provence
9Brites de Portugal (1386-23 October 1439), parents: João I "o Falso" and Inez Perez Esteves
10Christian August of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Nordborg (19 April 1639-5/15 January 1687), Admiral of the General States, parents: Frederik and Eleonore von Anhalt-Zerbst
11Colin Campbell of Ardmaddie (1678 or 1679-31 March 1708), parents: Sir John Campbell of Glenorchy and Mary Campbell
12Constance de Holand (1387-12 or 14 November 1437), parents: John de Holand and Elizabeth of Lancaster
13Edmund “Crouchback” of England (16 January 1245-5 June 1296), Earl of Lancaster, parents: Henry III and Eleonore de Provence
14Eleanor Brandon (1519/20-27 September 1547), parents: Charles Brandon and Mary Tudor
15Elisabeth Wilhelmine (5 July 1826-31 October 1880), Gräfin von Colmar, parents: Karl II and Charlotte Colville
16Friedrich II (26 December 1194-13 December 1250), Emperor, parents: Heinrich VI and Constance of Sicily
17Geoffrey de Mandeville (-23 February 1216), Earl of Essex
18Georg Adolf Marschall von Herrengosserstedt (-)
19George IV (12 August 1762-26 June 1830), King of Great Britain, parents: George III and Charlotte von Mecklenburg-Strelitz
20Henrich Jørgensen (-), parents: Jørgen Jørgensen (Egelstorph)
21Henrietta (Harriot) Campbell (-27 January 1766), parents: John Campbell and Henrietta Villiers
22Henriette (Heinrica) Bibiane Reuss von Plauen (14 June 1702-22 April 1745), parents: Heinrich X Reuss von Plauen and Erdmuthe Benigna zu Solms-Laubach
23Henry Brandon (11 March 1516-1 March 1534), Earl of Lincoln, parents: Charles Brandon and Mary Tudor
24Henry Bromflete of Londesborough (-16 January 1469), Lord Vessy, parents: Thomas Bromflete and Margaret St John
25Henry Clifford (1517-2 January 1570), Earl of Cumberland, parents: Henry Clifford and Margaret Percy
26Isabel de Clare (-1220), Countess of Pembroke, parents: Richard de Clare "Strongbow" and Aoife (Eve) of Leinster
27Isabella of England (15 February or 16 June, 1332 or 1334-1379 or 1382), parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut
28Isabella of England (1214-1 December 1241), parents: John and Isabelle d’Angoulême
29Jean I (March 1381-5 January 1434), Duc de Bourbon, parents: Louis II "le Bon" and Anne de Clermont
30Jean II "le Bon" (26 April 1319-8 April 1364), King of France, parents: Philippe VI "le Fortuné" and Jeanne "la Boiteuse" de Bourgogne
31Jean V "le Vaillant" (1339/40-1/2 November 1399), Duke of Brittany
32Joan de Holand (1350-November 1384), parents: Thomas de Holand of Broughton and Joan of Kent "the Fair Maid of Kent"
33Johann Friedrich von Württemberg (9 September 1637-2 August 1659), parents: Eberhard III and Anna Katharina von Salm-Kyrburg
34John Beaufort (between 1372 and 1375-16 March 1410), 1. Earl of Somerset, parents: John of Gaunt and Katharine de Roët
35John Charles Leslie (3 September 1827-3 September 1827), parents: Charles Leslie and Mary Holloway
36John de Holand (29 March 1395-5 August 1447), Duke of Exeter, parents: John de Holand and Elizabeth of Lancaster
37John de Montagu (-25 February or 4 March 1390), Lord Montagu, parents: William de Montagu and Katharine de Grandson
38John Hastings (11 November 1372-30/31 December 1389), Earl of Pembroke
39John Neville (17 November 1493-2 March 1543), Lord Latimer, parents: Richard Neville and Anne Stafford
40John Welles (-9 February 1499), Viscount Welles, parents: Lionel de Welles and Margaret de Beauchamp
41Karl Georg August von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (8 February 1766-20 September 1806), parents: Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand and Augusta of Great Britain
42Karoline Amalie Elisabeth von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (17 May 1768-7 August 1821), parents: Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand and Augusta of Great Britain
43Katherine Glendower (-before 1 December 1413)
44Lucia Visconti (1372-14 April 1424)
45Margaret Montgomerie (-6 July 1759), parents: Hugh Montgomerie of Coilsfield and Katherine Arbuckle
46Marguerite de France (around 1280-14 February 1318), parents: Philippe III "le Hardi" and Marie de Brabant
47Pierre Antoine Eugene du Collin de Barisien (-), Comte de Civry
48Richard de Clare (-4 May 1228), parents: Richard de Clare and Amice of Gloucester
49Richard FitzAlan (1346-21 September 1397), Earl of Arundel, parents: Richard FitzAlan and Eleanor of Lancaster
50Robert (III) d'Artois (1287-end of October 1342), Comte de Beaumont-le-Roger, parents: Philippe d'Artois and Blanche de Bretagne
51Robert de Quincy (around 1187/90-25 April 1217), parents: Saher de Quincy and Margaret of Leicester
52Sir Alexander Forbes (-3 August 1724), 2. Baronet of Foveran, parents: Sir Samuel Forbes and (Unknown) Udny
53Sir John Gordon (-around 1680), regent in Marischal College
54Susanna Montgomerie (26 May 1788-16 November 1805), parents: Archibald Montgomerie and Frances Twisden
55Thomas FitzAlan (13 October 1381-13 October 1415), Earl of Arundel, parents: Richard FitzAlan and Elizabeth de Bohun
56William de Warenne (1166-27 May 1240), Earl of Surrey
57William Marshal (around 1146-14 May 1219), 1. Earl of Pembroke, parents: John FitzGilbert "the Marshal" and Sibyl de Salisbury
58Wolfe Macdonell (-1830), lieutenant colonel, parents: (Unknown) Macdonell of Leich and Elizabeth Duguid
59Æthelred II (966-23 April 1016), King of England