Place: Tower of London [building], London [county], England [country], United Kingdom [country]

Place name (English):Tower of London
Place name (local language):
Place name (alt. local language):
Place name (older spelling):
Place name (other common spelling/language):
Place type:building
Is in the area of:London


1Arabella Stuart (1577-25 September 1615), parents: Charles Stewart and Elizabeth Cavendish
2Arthur Plantagenet (between 1461 and 1464-3 March 1542), Viscount Lisle, parents: Edward IV
3Baudouin de Blois (1126-1136/37), parents: Stephen and Mathilde de Boulogne
4Blanche of England (probably 1342-probably 1342), parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut
5David Ross of Balnagown (-December 1653), 12. of Balnagown, parents: David Ross of Balnagown and Catherine Murray
6Elizabeth de Burgh (6 July 1332-1363), Countess of Ulster, parents: William de Burgh and Matilda de Lancaster
7Elizabeth of York (11 February 1466-11 February 1503), parents: Edward IV and Elizabeth Wydeville
8George of York (21 October 1449-18 February 1478), Duke of Clarence, parents: Richard of York and Cecily Neville
9Guilford Dudley (1536-12 February 1554), parents: John Dudley and Jane Guilford
10Henry de Holand (27 June 1430-September 1475), Duke of Exeter, parents: John de Holand and Anne Stafford
11Henry Grey (17 January 1517-23 February 1554), Duke of Suffolk
12Henry VI (6 December 1421-27 May 1471), King of England
13Jane Grey (October 1537-12 February 1554), Queen of England, parents: Henry Grey and Frances Brandon
14Joan of England (5 July 1321-14 August 1362), parents: Edward II and Isabelle de France
15John Hamilton (-1610), parents: Elizabeth Leslie and Thomas Hamilton
16Katherine Tudor (2 February 1503-1503), parents: Henry VII and Elizabeth of York
17Lionel "of Antwerp" (29 November 1338-17 October 1368), Duke of Clarence, parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut
18Margaret of Clarence (14 August 1473-28 May 1541), Ctss of Salisbury, parents: George of York and Isabel Neville
19Roger Mortimer of Chirk (-3 August 1326), Lord Mortimer, parents: Roger de Mortimer and Matilda de Briouse
20Sir Andrew de Moravia (-between 6 November 1297 and 10 November 1300), parents: Sir Walter de Moravia
21Sir William Douglas of that Ilk 'Le Hardi' (-1298), Commander of the Castle of Berwick, parents: Sir William Douglas and Constance