Place: Coimbra [municipality], Coimbra District [district], Portugal [country]

Place name (English):Coimbra
Place name (local language):
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Place type:municipality
Is in the area of:Coimbra District


1Afonso I "the Conqueror" (around 1110-6 December 1185), King of Portugal, parents: Henrique and Teresa de Castilla y León
2Afonso II "o Gordo" (23 April 1185-25 March 1223), King of Portugal and the Algarve, parents: Sancho I "o Poblador" and Dulcia de Aragón
3Afonso III “o Restaurador” (5 May 1210-18 April 1279), King of Portugal, parents: Afonso II "o Gordo" and Urraca de Castilla
4Branca de Portugal (-17 November 1240), Co-founder of, and a nun at, the Dominican convent at Coimbra, parents: Sancho I "o Poblador" and Dulcia de Aragón
5Brites de Portugal (end of 1372-after 1409)
6Costança de Portugal (May 1182-3 August 1202), parents: Sancho I "o Poblador" and Dulcia de Aragón
7Costança de Portugal (1204-8 August 1269), Nun at Santa Cruz at Coimbra, parents: Sancho I "o Poblador" and María Páez de Ribeira
8Duarte (31 October 1391-9 September 1438), King of Portugal, parents: João I "o Falso" and Philippa of Lancaster
9Dulcia de Aragón (around 1160-1 September 1198), parents: Ramon Berenguer IV and Petronila de Aragón
10Fernando Pedro de Urgel (-22 March), parents: Pedro de Portugal
11Filippa de Portugal (1437-25 July 1497), Nun at convent of Odivellas, parents: Pedro de Portugal and Isabel de Urgel
12Gil Sanches de Portugal (-1236), parents: Sancho I "o Poblador" and María Páez de Ribeira
13Henrique de Portugal (after March 1189-8 December in or after 1189), parents: Sancho I "o Poblador" and Dulcia de Aragón
14Inés de Castro (1327-7 January 1355)
15Isabel de Aragón (4 January 1271-4 July 1336), parents: Pedro III "el Grande" and Constanza of Sicily
16Isabel de Portugal (22 December 1324-11 July 1326), parents: Afonso IV "o Osado/the Bold" and Beatriz de Castilla
17Isabel de Urgel (1409-1443)
18João de Portugal (1349-1397), Duque de Valencia de Campos, parents: Pedro I "o Justiceiro" and Inés de Castro
19Juana de Castilla y León (February 1462-1530), nun, parents: Enrique IV "el Impotente" and Joanna de Portugal
20Leonor de Aragón (around 1400-19 February 1445), Joint Regent of Portugal, parents: Fernando I "él de Antequera" and Leonor Urraca de Castilla "la Ricahembra"
21Maria de Portugal (21 November 1264-6 June 1304), parents: Afonso III “o Restaurador” and Beatriz Alfonso
22Mathilde de Savoie (around 1125-4 November 1157), parents: Amedee III and Adelaide
23Mayor Sanches de Portugal (-27 August), Nun at Santa Cruz at Coimbra, parents: Sancho I "o Poblador" and María Páez de Ribeira
24Nunho Sanches de Portugal (-16 December in or after 1212), parents: Sancho I "o Poblador" and María Páez de Ribeira
25Pedro de Portugal (23 February 1187-2 June 1258), Mayordomo of Alfonso IX King of Leon, parents: Sancho I "o Poblador" and Dulcia de Aragón
26Pedro I "o Justiceiro" (18 April 1320-18 January 1367), King of Portugal, parents: Afonso IV "o Osado/the Bold" and Beatriz de Castilla
27Rodrigo de Urgel “il Magistro” (-6 March), parents: Pedro de Portugal
28Sancho I "o Poblador" (11 November 1154-26 March 1212), King of Portugal, parents: Afonso I "the Conqueror" and Mathilde de Savoie
29Urraca de Castilla (between 1186 and 28 May 2287-3 November 1220), parents: Alfonso VIII “el Noble/él de las Navas” and Eleanor of England