Place: Dublin [city/town], County Dublin [county], Ireland [country]

Place name (English):Dublin
Place name (local language):
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Place name (older spelling):
Place name (other common spelling/language):
Place type:city/town
Is in the area of:County Dublin


1Alice Moore (-25 December 1677), parents: Henry Moore
2Benjamin Pratt (-6 December 1721), Dean of Down
3Charles Leslie (-), goldsmith, parents: Alexander Leslie of Pitcaple and Henrietta Irvine (of Drum)
4Charles Lindsay (12 October 1790-23 April 1855), Archdeacon of Kildare, parents: Charles Dalrymple Lindsay and Elizabeth Fydell
5Charles Ross Fleming (1711-18 December 1769), doctor of medicine in Dublin, parents: Magdalen Way and James Fleming
6Claud Hamilton (1659-1690), 4. Earl of Abercorn, parents: George Hamilton and Elizabeth Fagan
7Elizabeth de Burgh (6 July 1332-1363), Countess of Ulster, parents: William de Burgh and Matilda de Lancaster
8Elizabeth Hamilton (-1699), parents: Charles Hamilton and Catherine Hamilton
9Francis Hamilton (1700-20 May 1746), parents: James Hamilton of Donalong and Elizabeth Reading
10Hannah Hamilton (1651-16 May 1733), parents: James Hamilton of Manor Hamilton and Catherine Hamilton
11Henry Lindsay (16 October 1800-19 February 1880), parents: Charles Dalrymple Lindsay and Catherine Eliza Coussmaker
12Henry Shepherd (-), merchant
13John Edwards (-)
14John Hamilton (1726-12 August 1756), parents: George Hamilton and Bridget Coward
15Jonathan Leslie (-), merchant, parents: James Leslie of Rothie and Jane Gordon
16Katherine de Burgh (-1 November 1331), parents: Richard de Burgh and Margaret de Burgh of Lanvalley
17Murchad (-1070), parents: Diarmait and Derborgaill
18Richard de Clare "Strongbow" (around 1130-20 April 1176), 2. Earl of Pembroke, parents: Gilbert "Strongbow" de Clare and Isabel de Beaumont
19Sidney Hamilton (1648-20 January 1685-6), parents: James Hamilton of Manor Hamilton and Catherine Hamilton
20Sir Claud Hamilton of Shawfleld (-19 October 1614), Gentleman of the King's Privy Chamber, parents: Claud Hamilton and Margaret Seton
21Thomas Boyd (-), merchant
22W. H. Colles (-)