Place: Palace of Westminster [building], Westminster [municipality], Greater London [county], England [country], United Kingdom [country]

Place name (English):Palace of Westminster
Place name (local language):
Place name (alt. local language):
Place name (older spelling):
Place name (other common spelling/language):
Place type:building
Is in the area of:Westminster


1Anna of Bohemia (11 July 1366-7 August 1394), parents: Karl IV and Elisabeth von Pommern
2Anne Mowbray (10 December 1472-shortly before 26 November 1481), Ctss of Norfolk
3Anne Neville (11 June 1456-16 March 1485)
4Anne of York (2 November 1475-22 November 1511/12), parents: Edward IV and Elizabeth Wydeville
5Cecily of York (20 March 1469-24 August 1507), parents: Edward IV and Elizabeth Wydeville
6Eadgyth (Matilda) (1079-1 May 1118), parents: Malcolm III Canmore (Ceannmor) and St. Margaret of Scotland
7Edward I “Longshanks” (17 June 1239-8 July 1307), King of England, parents: Henry III and Eleonore de Provence
8Edward IV (28 April 1442-10 April 1483), King of England, parents: Richard of York and Cecily Neville
9Edward of Woodstock (15 June 1330-8 June 1376), parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut
10Eleanor of England (1215-13 April 1275), parents: John and Isabelle d’Angoulême
11Elizabeth of York (11 February 1466-11 February 1503), parents: Edward IV and Elizabeth Wydeville
12Henry III (1 October 1207-16 November 1272), King of England, parents: John and Isabelle d’Angoulême
13James Hamilton (19 June 1606-9 March 1648-9), 1. Duke of Hamilton, parents: James Hamilton and Anna Cunningham
14Joan of Kent "the Fair Maid of Kent" (29 September 1328-8 August 1385), Countess of Kent, parents: Edmund of Woodstock and Margaret Wake
15Katherine of England (25 November 1253-May 1257), parents: Henry III and Eleonore de Provence
16Margaret Tudor (28 November 1489-18 October 1541), parents: Henry VII and Elizabeth of York
17Mary Grey (1545-20 April 1578), parents: Henry Grey and Frances Brandon
18Maud of Lancaster (around 1340-10 April 1362), parents: Henry "of Grosmont" and Isabel Beaumont
19Rachel Nevil Hamilton-Gordon (13 July 1869-), parents: Arthur Hamilton-Gordon and Rachel Emily Shaw-Lefevre
20Richard "of Shrewsbury" (17 August 1473-1483), Duke of York, parents: Edward IV and Elizabeth Wydeville
21Richard II (-)
22Simon de Montfort (around 1208/09-4 August 1265), Earl of Leicester, parents: Simon V de Montfort and Alix de Montmorency
23Thomas Keyes (-1571), Groom porter to Queen Elizabeth I
24Wilhelm I (12 May 1330-15 April 1388), joint Duke of Bavaria, parents: Ludwig IV and Marguerite II