Place: Woodstock Palace [building], Woodstock [city/town], Oxfordshire [county], England [country], United Kingdom [country]

Place name (English):Woodstock Palace
Place name (local language):
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Place name (older spelling):
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Place type:building
Is in the area of:Woodstock


1Edmund of Woodstock (5 August 1301-19 March 1330), Earl of Kent, parents: Edward I “Longshanks” and Marguerite de France
2Edward of Woodstock (15 June 1330-8 June 1376), parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut
3Eleanor of England (18 June 1318-22 April 1355), parents: Edward II and Isabelle de France
4Isabella of England (15 February or 16 June, 1332 or 1334-1379 or 1382), parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut
5Jean V "le Vaillant" (1339/40-1/2 November 1399), Duke of Brittany
6Joan of England (probably 1334/35-2 September 1348), parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut
7Mary of England (10 October 1344-1362 after 25 December), parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut
8Thomas "of Woodstock" (7 January 1356-8/9 September 1397), Duke of Gloucester, parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut