Place: Eltham Palace [building], Eltham [Unknown/Unspecified], Greenwich [municipality], Greater London [county], England [country], United Kingdom [country]

Place name (English):Eltham Palace
Place name (local language):
Place name (alt. local language):
Place name (older spelling):
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Place type:building
Is in the area of:Eltham


1Bridget of York (10 or 20 November 1480-before 1513), nun, parents: Edward IV and Elizabeth Wydeville
2Elizabeth Tudor (2 July 1492-7 October or 14 November 1495), parents: Henry VII and Elizabeth of York
3John "of Eltham" (before 24 August 1316-13 September 1336), Earl of Cornwall, parents: Edward II and Isabelle de France
4Katherine of York (14 August 1479-15 November 1527), parents: Edward IV and Elizabeth Wydeville
5Philippa of Clarence (16 August 1355-between 21 November 1378 and 9 February 1381), Ctss of Ulster, parents: Lionel "of Antwerp" and Elizabeth de Burgh