Place: Winchester Cathedral [building], Winchester [city/town], Hampshire [county], England [country], United Kingdom [country]

Place name (English):Winchester Cathedral
Place name (local language):
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Place name (older spelling):
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Place type:building
Is in the area of:Winchester


1Emma de Normandie (985-14 March 1052), parents: Richard I "Sans Peur" and Gunnora
2Henri de Blois (around 1098/99-1 July 1171), Archbishop of Canterbury, parents: Etienne and Adela of England
3Henry Beaufort (-11 April 1447), Bishop of Winchester, parents: John of Gaunt and Katharine de Roët
4Knud den store (995-12 November 1035), King of Denmark
5Richard de Normandie (1054 or 1056-1075 or 1081), Duc de Bernay, parents: William I "the Conqueror" and Mathilde de Flandre
6Richard I "Cœur-de-lion" (8 September 1157-6 April 1199), King of England, parents: Henry II and Eleonore d'Aquitaine
7William II “Rufus” (around 1056/60-2 August 1100), King of England, parents: William I "the Conqueror" and Mathilde de Flandre