Place: Reading Abbey [building], Reading [city/town], Berkshire [county], England [country], United Kingdom [country]

Place name (English):Reading Abbey
Place name (local language):
Place name (alt. local language):
Place name (older spelling):
Place name (other common spelling/language):
Place type:building
Is in the area of:Reading


1Blanche of Lancaster (25 March 1345-12 September 1369), parents: Henry "of Grosmont" and Isabel Beaumont
2Constance of York (1374-28 November 1416), parents: Edmund of Langley and Isabel de Castilla
3Edmund Mortimer (1 February 1352-27 December 1381), Earl of March, parents: Roger de Mortimer and Philippa de Montagu
4Henry I “Beauclerc” (September 1068-1 December 1135), King of England, parents: William I "the Conqueror" and Mathilde de Flandre
5John Hastings (29 August 1347-1375)
6John of Gaunt (1340-3/4 February 1399), Duke of Lancaster, parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut
7Margaret of England (20 July 1346-soon after 1 October 1361), parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut
8Philippa of Clarence (16 August 1355-between 21 November 1378 and 9 February 1381), Ctss of Ulster, parents: Lionel "of Antwerp" and Elizabeth de Burgh
9Renaud (de Dunstanville) (around 1110/15-1 July probably 1175), Earl of Cornwall, parents: Henry I “Beauclerc” and Sibyl (Sybilla) Corbet
10William of England (17 August 1153-April or June 1156), parents: Henry II and Eleonore d'Aquitaine