Place: St Paul's Cathedral [building], City of London [county], Greater London [county], England [country], United Kingdom [country]

Place name (English):St Paul's Cathedral
Place name (local language):
Place name (alt. local language):
Place name (older spelling):
Place name (other common spelling/language):
Place type:building
Is in the area of:City of London


1Alix de Béthune (-around 1216)
2Arthur (20 September 1486-2 April 1502), parents: Henry VII and Elizabeth of York
3Blanche of Lancaster (25 March 1345-12 September 1369), parents: Henry "of Grosmont" and Isabel Beaumont
4Catalina de Aragón (16 December 1485-7 January 1536), parents: Fernando II “el Católico” and Isabel I
5Henry de Lacy (6 or 13 January 1251-5 February 1311), Earl of Lincoln, parents: Edmund de Lacy and Alasia di Saluzzo
6John of Gaunt (1340-3/4 February 1399), Duke of Lancaster, parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut
7Robert (III) d'Artois (1287-end of October 1342), Comte de Beaumont-le-Roger, parents: Philippe d'Artois and Blanche de Bretagne