Place: Canterbury Cathedral [building], Canterbury [city/town], Kent [county], England [country], United Kingdom [country]

Place name (English):Canterbury Cathedral
Place name (local language):
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Place type:building
Is in the area of:Canterbury


1Edward I “Longshanks” (17 June 1239-8 July 1307), King of England, parents: Henry III and Eleonore de Provence
2Edward of Woodstock (15 June 1330-8 June 1376), parents: Edward III and Philippa de Hainaut
3Henry IV (April 1367-20 March 1413), King of England, parents: John of Gaunt and Blanche of Lancaster
4Isabel de Gloucester (before 1176-1217), Countess of Gloucester, parents: William FitzRobert and Havise de Beaumont
5John Beaufort (between 1372 and 1375-16 March 1410), 1. Earl of Somerset, parents: John of Gaunt and Katharine de Roët
6Marguerite de France (around 1280-14 February 1318), parents: Philippe III "le Hardi" and Marie de Brabant
7Thomas (29 September 1388-22 March 1421), Duke of Clarence