Ludvig Eriksen Martens (around 1720-1779), innkeper

Same as
Additional names
Father:1Erik Larsen (-before 1729)
Mother:2Wibeche Christina Martens (1699-before 8 March 1742)
Spouses and relationship events
Married:31746Gjerke Rasmusdatter (Dahl) (1720-1813)
Children with Gjerke Rasmusdatter (Dahl):
Christoffer Martens (-)4
Henrik Martens (-)5
Wibeche Christine Martens (1757-)6
Children with :
Anne Sophie Ludvigsdatter Martens (around 1752-1783)
Occupation:71744-52farmerNaustdal [farm], Naustdal kommune [municipality], Sogn og Fjordane [Unknown/Unspecified], Norway [country]
Occupation:8after 1752innkeperHellevika [city/town], Fjaler kommune [municipality], Sogn og Fjordane [Unknown/Unspecified], Norway [country]
Born:9around 1720Hellevika [city/town], Fjaler kommune [municipality], Sogn og Fjordane [Unknown/Unspecified], Norway [country]
Personal Info


1 Albert Abramson Joleik, Soga om Flora: Før: Eikefjord, Florø, Kinn og Bru kommunar, No: Flora kommune, Soga fram til 1801 (: Flora sogenemnd, 1980), Hellevikja, p. 666-77.
2 Ibid
3 Geir Kleiveland, Naustdal Bygdebok, volume I: Gards- og ættesoge, Gnr. 20-99 (: Naustdal Sogelag, 1995), Naustdal p. 766, Rasmus Gunnarsson.
4 Albert Abramson Joleik, Soga om Flora: Før: Eikefjord, Florø, Kinn og Bru kommunar, No: Flora kommune, Soga fram til 1801 (: Flora sogenemnd, 1980), Hellevikja, p. 666-77.
5 Ibid
6 , "Ministerialbok for Kinn prestegjeld 1729-1785 (1437P)", Database, Digitalarkivet ( : ), hd00000000926499.
7 Geir Kleiveland, Naustdal Bygdebok, volume I: Gards- og ættesoge, Gnr. 20-99 (: Naustdal Sogelag, 1995), Naustdal p. 775, Ludvik Eriksson Martens.
8 Ibid
9 Ibid
10 Ibid
11 Albert Abramson Joleik, Soga om Flora: Før: Eikefjord, Florø, Kinn og Bru kommunar, No: Flora kommune, Soga fram til 1801 (: Flora sogenemnd, 1980), Hellevikja, p. 666-77.
certainlyThe information is supported by primary sources.
probablyThe information is supported by secondary sources which is most likely based on primary sources.
possiblyIt is unclear if the secondary source cited is based on primary sources, or the information is an assumption well supported by other evidence.
likelyThe information is only found in secondary sources with questioned quality, or there is a reason to suspect the information is wrong. Or the information is a likely assumption based on other evidence.
apparentlyThe information is doubtful and poorly documented, but still most likely correct.
perhapsThe information might be correct or it might be wrong. It is not supported by any trustworthy sources. It might me an assumption.
disprovedThe information is proven to be wrong.