Edmund of Langley (5 June 1341-1 August 1402), Duke of York

Same as
Additional names
Father:1Edward III (13 November 1312-21 June 1377), King of England
Mother:2Philippa de Hainaut (1314-15 August 1369)
Spouses and relationship events
Betrothed:319 October 1364Marguerite III (1350-16 or 20 March 1405), Ctss of Flanders, Artois, Nevers and Rethel, Ctss Palatine of Burgundy
The king of France blocked the marriage.
Married:41372Isabel de Castilla (1355-23 December 1392)
Probably between 1 January and 30 April.
Married:51393Joan de Holand (1380-12 April 1434)
Children with Isabel de Castilla:
Edward of Cambridge (1373-25 October 1415), Duke of York and Earl of Cambridge6
Constance of York (1374-28 November 1416)7
Richard "of Conisburgh" (probably 1375/76-5 August 1415), Earl of Cambridge8
Occupation:929 September 1394 until May 1395Regent of England
Occupation:106 August 1395Regent of England
Occupation:1127 September to November 1396Regent of England
Occupation:121362-1402Earl of Cambridge
Created 13 November 1362.
Occupation:131385-1402Duke of York
Created 6 August 1385.
Buried:14Church of the Dominican Friars (Kings Langley [Unknown/Unspecified], Hertfordshire [county], England [country], United Kingdom [country])
Born:155 June 1341Abbots Langley [Unknown/Unspecified], Hertfordshire [county], England [country], United Kingdom [country]
Died:161 August 1402Kings Langley [Unknown/Unspecified], Hertfordshire [county], England [country], United Kingdom [country]
Personal Info


1 Charles Cawley, Medieval Lands - version 4 (http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CONTENTS.htm : ), England, Kings 1066-1837.
2 Ibid
3 Ibid
4 Ibid
5 Charles Cawley, Medieval Lands - version 4 (http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CONTENTS.htm : ), England, Earls created 1067-1122.
6 Charles Cawley, Medieval Lands - version 4 (http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CONTENTS.htm : ), England, Kings 1066-1837.
7 Ibid
8 Ibid
9 Ibid
10 Ibid
11 Ibid
12 Ibid
13 Ibid
14 Charles Cawley, Medieval Lands - version 4 (http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CONTENTS.htm : ), England, Earls created 1067-1122.
15 Ibid
16 Ibid
certainlyThe information is supported by primary sources.
probablyThe information is supported by secondary sources which is most likely based on primary sources.
possiblyIt is unclear if the secondary source cited is based on primary sources, or the information is an assumption well supported by other evidence.
likelyThe information is only found in secondary sources with questioned quality, or there is a reason to suspect the information is wrong. Or the information is a likely assumption based on other evidence.
apparentlyThe information is doubtful and poorly documented, but still most likely correct.
perhapsThe information might be correct or it might be wrong. It is not supported by any trustworthy sources. It might me an assumption.
disprovedThe information is proven to be wrong.