Aletta Amalia Maria Andersen (19 November 1831-2 April 1896)

Same as
Additional names
Father:1Anders Andersen (1794-20 August 1863), smedemester
Mother:2Maren Axelsen (24 January 1801-8 June 1897)
Spouses and relationship events
Married:34 August 1854Størker Severin Ibenfeldt (15 August 1827-15 August 1874), merchantKorskirken [Unknown/Unspecified], Bergen [city/town], Bergen kommune [municipality], Hordaland [Unknown/Unspecified], Norway [country]
Children with Størker Severin Ibenfeldt:
Anders Monrad Størkersen Ibenfeldt (6 December 1855-)4
Betzy Pouline Augusta Størkersdatter Ibenfeldt (24 June 1857-)5
Maren Augusta Størkersdatter Ibenfeldt (14 September 1859-12 July 1864)6
Nicolai Severin Størkersen Ibenfeldt (23 September 1861-1 October 1861)7
Oluf Martin Størkersen Ibenfeldt (6 August 1863-28 September 1928), apoteker8
Marius August Ibenfeldt (7 July 1865-)9
Alette Severine Ibenfeldt (28 July 1867-August 1954)10
Augusta Johanne Andrea Krøpelien Ibenfeldt (17 November 1869-1 April 1875)11
Carl Salomonsen Ibenfeldt (23 October 1871-), Overtollkontrollør12
Born:1319 November 1831
Baptised:1411 December 1831Korskirken [Unknown/Unspecified], Bergen [city/town], Bergen kommune [municipality], Hordaland [Unknown/Unspecified], Norway [country]
Died:152 April 1896
Buried:1610 April 1896
Personal Info


1 , "Ministerialbok for Korskirken prestegjeld 1823-1835 (1301M2)", Database, Digitalarkivet ( : 11 December 2016), pd00000007319392.
2 Ibid
3 , "Ministerialbok for Korskirken prestegjeld 1852-1867 (1301M2): Viede b 1852-1867", Database, Digitalarkivet ( : ), hv00000000276770.
4 , "Ministerialbok for Ålesund prestegjeld 1855-1863 (1501P)", database, Digitalarkivet ( : ), hd00000000900340.
5 , "Ministerialbok for Ålesund prestegjeld 1855-1863 (1501P)", database, Digitalarkivet ( : ), hd00000000900445.
6 , "Ministerialbok for Ålesund prestegjeld 1855-1863 (1501P)", database, Digitalarkivet ( : ), hd00000000900630.
7 , "Ministerialbok for Ålesund prestegjeld 1855-1863 (1501P)", database, Digitalarkivet ( : ), hd00000000900846.
8 , "Ministerialbok for Ålesund prestegjeld 1855-1863 (1501P)", database, Digitalarkivet ( : ), hd00000000901062.
9 , "Ministerialbok for Ålesund prestegjeld 1864-1871 (1501P)", database, Digitalarkivet ( : ), hd00000000024948.
10 , "Ministerialbok for Ålesund prestegjeld 1864-1871 (1501P)", database, Digitalarkivet ( : ), hd00000000025322.
11 , "Ministerialbok for Ålesund prestegjeld 1864-1871 (1501P)", database, Digitalarkivet ( : ), hd00000000025751.
12 , "Ministerialbok for Ålesund prestegjeld 1864-1871 (1501P)", database, Digitalarkivet ( : ), hd00000000026034.
13 , "Ministerialbok for Korskirken prestegjeld 1823-1835 (1301M2)", Database, Digitalarkivet ( : 11 December 2016), pd00000007319392.
14 Ibid
15 , "Ministerialbok for Trefoldighet prestegjeld 1885-1896 (0301M22)", database, Digitalarkivet ( : ), hg00000002518080.
16 Ibid
certainlyThe information is supported by primary sources.
probablyThe information is supported by secondary sources which is most likely based on primary sources.
possiblyIt is unclear if the secondary source cited is based on primary sources, or the information is an assumption well supported by other evidence.
likelyThe information is only found in secondary sources with questioned quality, or there is a reason to suspect the information is wrong. Or the information is a likely assumption based on other evidence.
apparentlyThe information is doubtful and poorly documented, but still most likely correct.
perhapsThe information might be correct or it might be wrong. It is not supported by any trustworthy sources. It might me an assumption.
disprovedThe information is proven to be wrong.