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Source:Medieval Lands - version 4
Item of interest:Baltic States
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1(Unnamed) (29 November 1777-), parents: Friedrich Wilhelm II and Friederike Luise von Hessen-Darmstadt
2(Unnamed) (10 August 1770-10 August 1770), parents: Friedrich Wilhelm II and Wilhelmine Enke
3Adolf Frederik (14 May 1710-12 April 1771), King of Sweden
4Albrecht Friedrich (29 April 1553-27/28 August 1618), Duke of Prussia, parents: Albrecht von Brandenburg and Anna Marie von Braunschweig-Calenberg
5Albrecht Friedrich von Preußen (1 June 1580-8 October 1580), parents: Albrecht Friedrich and Marie Eleonore von Jülich
6Albrecht von Brandenburg (17 May 1490-20 March 1568), Duke of Prussia, parents: Friedrich V "der Ältere" and Zofia of Poland
7Albrecht von Preußen (March 1539-March 1539), parents: Albrecht von Brandenburg and Dorothea of Denmark
8Alexander (4 January 1779-1 August 1787), Graf von der Marck, parents: Friedrich Wilhelm II and Wilhelmine Enke
9Alexander of Courland (18 October 1658-17 July 1686), parents: Jakob and Luise Charlotte von Brandenburg
10Amalie Henrietta von Gualtieri (-)
11Amalie Ottilie von Viaregg (-)
12Anna Amalie of Prussia (9 November 1723-30 March 1787), Abbess of Quedlinburg, parents: Friedrich Wilhelm I and Sophia Dorothea of Great Britain
13Anna Elisabeth Luise von Brandenburg-Schwedt (22 April 1738-10 February 1820), parents: Friedrich Wilhelm and Sophie Dorothea of Prussia
14Anna Marie von Braunschweig-Calenberg (23 April 1532-20 March 1568), Abbess of Wunstorf, parents: Erich I and Elisabeth von Brandenburg
15Anna Sophie Charlotte von Langermann (-)
16Anna Sophie von Preußen (11 June 1527-16 February 1591), parents: Albrecht von Brandenburg and Dorothea of Denmark
17Anna von Preußen (3 July 1576-9/10 April 1625), parents: Albrecht Friedrich and Marie Eleonore von Jülich
18Anton Henryk (13 June 1775-7 April 1833), Statthalter (Governor) of the Grand Duchy of Poznan, parents: Michael Hieronymus and Helena Przezdziecka
19August Ferdinand of Prussia (23 May 1730-2 May 1813), parents: Friedrich Wilhelm I and Sophia Dorothea of Great Britain
20August of Prussia (19 September 1779-19 July 1843), General of Infantry and Chief of Artillery in the Prussian army, parents: August Ferdinand of Prussia and Anna Elisabeth Luise von Brandenburg-Schwedt
21August Wilhelm of Prussia (9 August 1722-12 June 1758), parents: Friedrich Wilhelm I and Sophia Dorothea of Great Britain
22Augusta of Prussia (1 May 1780-19 February 1841), parents: Friedrich Wilhelm II and Friederike Luise von Hessen-Darmstadt
23Auguste von Harrach (-), parents: Ferdinand and Christiane von Rayski
24Charlotte Albertine of Prussia (5 May 1713-10 June 1714), parents: Friedrich Wilhelm I and Sophia Dorothea of Great Britain
25Charlotte Sophie of Courland (1 September 1651-1 December 1728), Abbess of Herford, parents: Jakob and Luise Charlotte von Brandenburg
26Charlotte von Flemming (-)
27Christian of Prussia (11 November 1771-8 October 1790), Lieutenant Colonel in the Prussian army, parents: August Ferdinand of Prussia and Anna Elisabeth Luise von Brandenburg-Schwedt
28Christiane von Rayski (30 August 1800-5 June 1873)
29Christina Sophie Friederike von Lützenburg (25 August 1777-31 August 1777), parents: Friedrich Wilhelm II and Wilhelmine Enke
30Christina Sophie of Courland (15 May 1649-9 June 1651), parents: Jakob and Luise Charlotte von Brandenburg