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Source:The Saint-Clairs of the Isles
Page:The Sinclairs of Stemster and Dunbeath, p. 220-22


1(Unknown) Sinclair (-), parents: Richard Sinclair of Brims
2Alexander Bane of Clyth (-), parents: Henry Bayne in Mybster
3Alexander Innes of Cromarty (-)
4Alexander Innes of that Ilk (1494-September 1553), 14. Laird of Innes, parents: Alexander Innes of that Ilk and Christian Dunbar
5Alexander Sinclair of Brims (-), parents: Richard Sinclair of Brims
6Alexander Sinclair of Stemster and Dunbeath (-before 1541), parents: William Sinclair and Mary Keith
7Anna Mackay (-)
8Anna Mackay (-), parents: Huistean Du (Hugh) Mackay of Farr
9Barbara Sinclair (-), parents: George Sinclair in Downreay and Durran
10Beatrix Gordon (-), parents: Alexander Gordon and Janet Stewart of Atholl
11David Sinclair of Lybster (-)
12David Sinclair of Thura (-before 1620), parents: William Sinclair of Dunbeath and Margaret Innes
13Elizabeth Forbes (-December 1570), parents: John Forbes and Christian Lundin
14Elizabeth Innes (-before 1557), parents: Alexander Innes of that Ilk and Christian Dunbar
15Elizabeth Sinclair (-), parents: John Sinclair of Brims and Anna Mackay
16George Sinclair (-9 September 1582), 4. Earl of Caithness, parents: John Sinclair and Elizabeth Sutherland
17George Sinclair in Downreay and Durran (-), parents: William Sinclair of Dunbeath and Margaret Innes
18George Sinclair of Dunbeath (-1624), parents: William Sinclair of Stemster and Janet Sinclair
19Gilbert Gordon of Garty (-), parents: Adam Gordon and Elizabeth Sutherland
20Henry Bayne in Mybster (-)
21Henry Sinclair of Brubster and Brims (-around 1610), parents: William Sinclair of Dunbeath and Margaret Innes
22Huistean Du (Hugh) Mackay of Farr (-)
23Isabel Sinclair (-), parents: Alexander Sinclair of Stemster and Dunbeath and Elizabeth Innes
24James Innes of Elrick (-), parents: Alexander Innes of that Ilk and Elizabeth Abernethy
25James Sinclair of Borlum and Toftkemp (-), parents: George Sinclair in Downreay and Durran
26Janet Sinclair (-), parents: George Sinclair
27John McKay of Strathy (-)
28John Sinclair (of Brims and Ribigil?) (-), parents: George Sinclair in Downreay and Durran
29John Sinclair of Brims (-), parents: Alexander Sinclair of Brims and Anna Mackay
30Margaret Forbes (-), parents: John Forbes and Margaret Gordon