Place: Oslo Cathedral [building], Oslo [city/town], Norway [country]

Place name (English):Oslo Cathedral
Place name (local language):Oslo domkirke
Place name (alt. local language):
Place name (older spelling):
Place name (other common spelling/language):
Place type:building
Is in the area of:Oslo


1Abigael Boalth (1729-), parents: Jens Larsen Boalth and Catharina Pedersdaatter Colding
2Anne Olsdatter (-)
3Barbra Elisabeth Boalth (1758-), parents: Jens Christensen Boalth and Ingeborg Sophia Rømer
4Cecilia Catharina Rømer (1771-), parents: Ernst Peder Rømer and Anna Elisabeth Bendecke
5Christen Bloch (1762-), parents: Peter Bloch and Elisabeth Wegner
6Christen Boalth (1760-December 1789), Procurator, parents: Jens Christensen Boalth and Ingeborg Sophia Rømer
7Christen Boalth (1720-), parents: Jens Larsen Boalth and Catharina Pedersdaatter Colding
8Christian Gerhard Reiner (1720-), parents: Gerhard Reiner and Abigael Boalth
9Dorothea Bloch (-)
10Ellen Sørensdatter Bloch (-)
11Gabriel Bloch (1764-), parents: Peter Bloch and Elisabeth Wegner
12Georg Meyer (-), høker
13Hans Sørensen Bloch (-)
14Henrich Meyer (1759-), parents: Georg Meyer and Johanna Catharina Boalth
15Ingeborg Sophia Rømer (1731-1773)
16Inger Bloch (1762-), parents: Peter Bloch and Elisabeth Wegner
17Jens Boalth (1725-1780), principal (rektor), parents: Jens Larsen Boalth and Catharina Pedersdaatter Colding
18Jens Boalth Meyer (1758-), parents: Georg Meyer and Johanna Catharina Boalth
19Johan Fahne (-)
20Johan Otto Rønou (-)
21Johanna Catharina Boalth (-)
22Julie Brynildsen (1846-1934), parents: Syprian Brynildsen and Maren Kjerstine Klemetsdatter Heyerdahl
23Karen Boalth (1721-), parents: Jens Larsen Boalth and Catharina Pedersdaatter Colding
24Karl Peter Oskar Balke (1845-1925), village shopkeeper (landhandler), parents: Peder Balke
25Lars Hansen Ohmes (-)
26Martha Jensdatter Bloch (-)
27Marthe Catrina Reiner (1715-), parents: Gerhard Reiner and Abigael Boalth
28Mathias Jonæsen Edberg (-)
29Mette Helena Boalth (1724-), parents: Jens Larsen Boalth and Catharina Pedersdaatter Colding
30Mette Helena Reiner (1714-), parents: Gerhard Reiner and Abigael Boalth