Henrik Olsen (around 1788-after 1865), shoemaker

Same as
Henrik Olsen (-)Henrik Olsen who got an illegitimate daughter in Høvåg in 1801 was called 'Langesund', indicating he was from Langesund or nearby.
Additional names
Spouses and relationship events
Married:127 December 1812Elisabeth Corneliusdatter (around 1778-after 1865)Bamble kommune [municipality], Telemark [county], Norway [country]
Children with Elisabeth Corneliusdatter:
Isak Henriksen (1813-)2
Ole Andreas Henriksen (1815-)3
Cornelius Henriksen (1818-), skipstømmermann4
Caroline Henriksdatter (1821-12 April 1822)5
Caroline Henriksdatter (21 October 1824-)6
Born:8around 1788Gjerpen (Skien kommune [municipality], Telemark [county], Norway [country])
Residence:91812Stathelle [city/town], Bamble kommune [municipality], Telemark [county], Norway [country]
Residence:101824Stathelle [city/town], Bamble kommune [municipality], Telemark [county], Norway [country]
Died:11after 1865
Personal Info


1 , "Ministerialbok for Bamble prestegjeld 1775-1814 (0814P)", database, Digitalarkivet (http://digitalarkivet.no : ), hv00000000746075.
2 , "Ministerialbok for Bamble prestegjeld 1775-1814 (0814P)", database, Digitalarkivet (http://digitalarkivet.no : ), hd00000002078797.
3 , "Ministerialbok for Bamble prestegjeld, Bamble sokn 1814-1834 (0814P)", database, Digitalarkivet (http://digitalarkivet.no : ), hd00000010732794.
4 , "Ministerialbok for Bamble prestegjeld, Bamble sokn 1814-1834 (0814P)", database, Digitalarkivet (http://digitalarkivet.no : ), hd00000010733016.
5 , "Ministerialbok for Bamble prestegjeld, Bamble sokn 1814-1834 (0814P)", database, Digitalarkivet (http://digitalarkivet.no : ), hd00000010733238.
6 , "Ministerialbok for Bamble prestegjeld, Bamble sokn 1814-1834 (0814P)", database, Digitalarkivet (http://digitalarkivet.no : ), hd00000010733532.
7 , "Folketelling 1865 for 0814P Bamble prestegjeld", database, Arkivverket, Digitalarkivet (http://digitalarkivet.no : ), pf01038133005971; .
8 Ibid
9 , "Ministerialbok for Bamble prestegjeld 1775-1814 (0814P)", database, Digitalarkivet (http://digitalarkivet.no : ), hv00000000746075.
10 , "Ministerialbok for Bamble prestegjeld, Bamble sokn 1814-1834 (0814P)", database, Digitalarkivet (http://digitalarkivet.no : ), hd00000010733532.
11 , "Folketelling 1865 for 0814P Bamble prestegjeld", database, Arkivverket, Digitalarkivet (http://digitalarkivet.no : ), pf01038133005971; .
certainlyThe information is supported by primary sources.
probablyThe information is supported by secondary sources which is most likely based on primary sources.
possiblyIt is unclear if the secondary source cited is based on primary sources, or the information is an assumption well supported by other evidence.
likelyThe information is only found in secondary sources with questioned quality, or there is a reason to suspect the information is wrong. Or the information is a likely assumption based on other evidence.
apparentlyThe information is doubtful and poorly documented, but still most likely correct.
perhapsThe information might be correct or it might be wrong. It is not supported by any trustworthy sources. It might me an assumption.
disprovedThe information is proven to be wrong.