Place: Askim [municipality], Østfold [county], Norway [country]

Place name (English):Askim
Place name (local language):
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Place name (older spelling):
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Place type:municipality
Is in the area of:Østfold


1Anna Margrete Meltzer (1863-), parents: Oscar Meltzer and Anne Cathinka Heyerdahl
2Asgeir Jonsson (-27 June 1707), magistrate (sorenskriver) in Heggen and Frøland
3Bertel Brunov (1670-1720), vicar of Øls, parents: Nils Pedersen Brunov and Christense Nielsdatter Hofer
4Even Nielsen Romedal (1661-1705), vicar of Askim, parents: Niels Christensen Hofer and Ingeborg Evensdatter
5Even Nilsen Wold (-), chaplain (res. kap.) in Askim, parents: Nils Svendsen Wold and Maren Nielsdatter Brunov
6Lauritz Nilsen Bragnes (1668-1707), vicar of Askim, parents: Nils Lauritzsen Bragnes and Mette Christensdatter
7Marie Mathisdatter Svinningen (1791-1866)
8Nicolay Abraham Romedal (1698-1759), parents: Even Nielsen Romedal and Maren Nielsdatter Brunov
9Nils Bertelsen Brunov (19 August 1697-), chaplain in the Norwegian navy, parents: Bertel Brunov